Sow Resilience

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Be resilient this year by sowing all sorts of different vegetables, and even trying something new. It could become your new favourite, which is what happened to us when we first grew crookneck squash (Cucurbita pepo) one hot dry summer…and had a bumper crop. We’ve sown crooknecks every spring since then, although if we have a damp, cool summer they sulk while other types of courgettes leap out of the ground. The weather can be unpredictable; it’s seldom a good year for everything, but it will be good year for something.

Our ebook, Growing Great Seedlings is now in paperback! From choosing seeds to making potting mix, transplanting and feeding, its all in here.
To celebrate, we have some copies available for just $18.00 each (pick up or $3 p&p within NZ). Email Clare if you’d like one.      

You can also buy Growing Great Seedlings in ebook, audiobook and paperback on Amazon


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